Here you will find out about our outreach projects and all the latest news and updates.

One of the key aims of Blackwood and Kirkmuirhill Resilience group is to promote physical and mental well-being. Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important and has a big impact on how we think and feel & during times like now it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of thoughts & behaviours that can make us feel worse.
Over the coming weeks we aim to launch a number of projects that are designed to get different people groups involved in various actives to help stay connected and carry on doing things that we all enjoy doing and that help us to keep focused and positive.
We want to build a sense of trust, safety, togetherness and pride in our community - so please help us by getting involved and having fun!
Skim down and click on the buttons below for more information
Hot off the Press
Click on icons for latest news
Winter Edition
Santa is coming
Summer Edition
Kids lockdown project update
Latest NewsLetter
8th of May EDITION
SHOUT OUT to Allan
Our first on the 1st
Messages of Hope
Messages of Hope is announced every Tuesday on our Facebook page. The aim of the project is to cheer people up who are isolating and let them know we are thinking of them. Both children and adults can either: write letters, poems and even draw pictures of hope, these can be placed into our messages of hope postbox which is located out side the team response base at the parish church. The emergency response team will collect your messages from the box and place them into people who are isolating shopping bags. Click the buttons for more
Tiktok Challenge
The TikTok challenge is a fun way for teenagers to interact with other teenagers. Each Thursday the BKRG outreach team will announce a new challenge, young people then have until the Tuesday to upload there video to either @BKRG20 on TikTok or they can post it on the groups Facebook page. - Click the buttons for more
The Wednesday Night Thing ​
Each week the team will aim to run a different "thing" on Wednesday nights, our first Wednesday night kicked off with a family quiz through the closed group, the feedback for the quiz was really positive and we are now considering running the quiz every second Wednesday. The aim of The Wednesday Night Thing is to promote light-hearted family fun - Click the buttons for more
The Environment Project​s
The Environment project is aimed at giving children activities that will both help educate and raise awareness for environmental issues, the project has been designed to capture both physical and mental well-being, it allows young people to have fun, be creative and learn at the same time. The team hope to secure funding to get all environmental posters printed on to A3 signs and placed around the village to help keep our community tidy and protect the environment- Click the buttons for more